Registered Campus Organization (RCO) Community Education and Health Fair Participation
Whenever a student provides health information, provides counseling or performs a hands-on procedure at any health event that is not part of a class, prior approval from your respective School is required to ensure professional liability coverage for the student, school(s), and campus involved in the event.
Students cannot provide any care and/or education for which they have not (yet) been trained. Participation must be supervised by a UCSF faculty member whose scope of practice is appropriate for supervision of the activities of that health fair.
In order to request approval from your School for your organization and your members to participate in any health event, please submit Community Outreach & Health Fair Participation Request Form at least three weeks in advance of the health event. It will be automatically sent to your School to review. Please note: At this time, any in-person community outreach event will also need to be approved by the dean of your School.
If your organization is in need of any health fair supplies, please fill out the Health Fair Supplies Request Form at least two weeks in advance of the health event.
After the health event, one of the organization members must submit a Community Outreach & Health Fair Post Participation Form within two weeks after the event.
If prior School approval for student participation is not received, the campus' professional liability insurance for the participants is not activated.
Community Outreach & Health Fair
- An event on- or off-campus during which health information, counseling, screenings, and/or performing a hands-on procedure are provided free or at a low cost to those who attend; usually educational and interactive, designed as an outreach to “the community” or is not a part of a class or their internship.
- A licensed practitioner who has an official affiliation with UCSF (paid or WOS faculty or employee) whose role and responsibility with the university includes supervising UCSF in clinical activities who are performing approved health fair activities within their scope of practice and who have the experience, training or certification in the activity.
- A licensed and trained UCSF faculty member, a WOS faculty member, or an UCSF employee whose role and responsibility with the university includes providing guidance to UCSF students regarding their co-curricular activities, including but not limited to providing oversight on any health education and materials produced or given out by students or programs/events being planned and implemented by students.
- Must be currently licensed and in good standing with health profession licensing board appropriate to the preceptor’s profession.
- Be qualified to precept the activity. Qualified means that having certification and/or knowledge, training and experience in the activity and, where appropriate, with the device(s) being used.
- Only precept on activities that are within the scope of practice of the preceptor’s profession or expertise.
- Be a member of the UCSF faculty (paid or wos), UCSF employed professional practitioner staff, or has a formal UCSF affiliation with the appropriate knowledge and skills to serve as a preceptor.
- Be qualified to precept the activities as occurring at the health event.
- Have confirmed his/her participation for the event in writing/email.
- Be familiar with the ratio trained student to preceptor.
- Review the knowledge and skills of the students participating in the event and coach them as appropriate to improve their knowledge and skills before or after the event or in between patients. Active training of students should not be taking place during the event.
- Be present during the time s/he has committed to precept.
- If the preceptor has to leave and no other preceptor for the event is present, the students will no longer be able to participate. Alternatively, if two or more preceptors are at the event and one has to leave, the number of students participating in the event should be reduced to the appropriate ratio.