University of California, San Francisco is committed to providing accessible and inclusive programming to all participants on- and off-campus and has a responsibility to do so under federal and state laws. This guide is intended to provide event organizers and campus administrators with the tools necessary to proactively plan events that are accessible to all attendees.
Accessibility Statement
It is essential that you include an accessibility statement on all event registration forms, fliers, electronic and print communications.
- To request an accommodation for this event, please contact [insert program/event contact person] at [insert program/event contact’s person’s email address] or [insert program/event contact’s person phone number] by [insert date, typically at least one week in advance].
Food Accessibility
- Ensure all attendees are notified that food will be served.
- Identify who will be supplying the food/beverages for the event.
- Ensure they can provide common allergen free and food sensitivity choices (such as nut-free, gluten-free, etc.)
- If the event is using a vendor/caterer, ensure they can post the ingredients for their foods.
Venue Accessibility
The building location and event space or meeting room should be accessible to all attendees:
- Identify accessible entrances, ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms.
- Ensure that the room, seating, and aisle spacing arranged so that attendees who are blind or have low vision, use a wheelchair or other mobility devices can move about safely and independently.
- Ensure the space is set up where attendees who are deaf or hard of hearing may need a loop system, reserved seating near the speaker, interpreters, or captioning.
- If tables or desks are used, ensure that adjustable-height options are available.
Presentations Materials
- Program materials should be made available in audio, electronic format (Word format is preferred), (or in large print or braille per attendee request).
- Any films or videos, even those embedded in a PowerPoint or presentation, should be captioned.
- Presenters should describe visual aids, graphs/charts, and pictures utilized in their presentation.
If you are unsure how to estimate the cost of specific accommodations (Sign Language interpreters, real-time captioning, assistive listening devices, copies of PowerPoint presentations, large print or braille), Student Disability Services can help you estimate the cost to your budget and proactively identify resources. However, Student Disability Services is not budgeted to cover the costs associated with event accommodations.