Registered Campus Organization (RCO) Registration

Any volunteer organization whose membership is comprised primarily of UCSF students, faculty, and/or staff may apply for registration and receive all the benefits of a RCO. During the registration process, each RCO will be given a classification tied to its organization administrators and membership roster.

  • Interprofessional Student RCO – an organization whose mission and goals are interprofessional and/or open to students from all academic programs
  • School-specific Student RCO – an organization whose mission and goals are academic or serve school specific purpose
  • Staff RCO – organization administrators who do not pay student services fees, such as faculty, staff, postdocs, trainees, residents


In accordance with University policy, new and returning student Registered Campus Organizations (RCOs) must register annually between August 1-30. If an organization missed the August 30 deadline, there will be one additional registration period between January 1-31.

Be prepared with the following information before you proceed to register your RCO:

  • Organization name and acronym ** name may not begin with UCSF
  • Description and purpose of RCO ** similar RCOs will be asked to merged
  • Five organization officers ** must be UCSF registered students
  • Organization portal profile and cover photo
  • Faculty Advisor ** only for academic, honor/greek societies, and RCOs working with minors (advisor will be required to approve the registration)
  • Complete an online orientation including hazing prevention training** by all five organization administrators
  • Complete online minor training ** for organizations working with minors only
  • Submit participant waivers ** for recreational organizations only

[View list of all questions and required information include in the registration and officer confirmation forms]


Registration Process for New RCOs [video]

  • Log into Group Portal through MyAccess
  • Click on Groups Symbol (located at the top)
  • Click on “All Groups”
  • Click on “Register new Student Group”
  • Fill out each page, including:
    • Group name & acronym
    • Categories
    • Organization Logo
    • Mission ** also known as your organization description
    • Add five officers and their positions
    • Answer organizational questions
  • Click on “Submit”

Renewal Registration Process for Existing RCOs [video]

  • Log into Group Portal through MyAccess
  • Navigate to your Organization
  • Click on “Group Re-Registration” (only RCO officers have access)
  • Fill out each page, including:
    • Organization Logo
    • Mission ** also known as your organization description
    • Add five officers and their positions
    • Answer organizational questions
  • Click on “Finish”

Officer and Advisor Confirmation
Once the registration is submitted, each officer listed in the registration will be sent an automatic email asking them to fill out a confirmation form after reviewing the Student Organization Orientation. The registration will not be processed until all five officers fill out the confirmation form and complete the hazing prevention training. Advisors of RCOs will also be required to submit approval of the registration within the Group Portal in order to registration to be complete.

Please note: RCOs that did not hold at least one organizational meeting or event per quarter through the previous academic year will be ineligible for registration renewal.

Please read through all UC regulations as set forth in the Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (please reference Section 70) before completing a registration form through Group Portal.