Registered Campus Organization (RCO) Funding
The funding guidelines and procedures outlined in the following document pertain to funds administered by Student Life. Funding sources include allocations from the Graduate & Professional Student Association, the Williams Fund, and campus core funding for student diversity programs.
One of the many benefits of becoming a Registered Campus Organization (RCO) is the opportunity for a RCO to apply for funding for their RCO activities and events. As recommended by the RCO Funding Review Committee, the main goal of the funding sources administered by Student Life is to encourage and support interprofessional activities.
Event Categories
RCOs may apply for funding for the following event categories. Please download the funding guidelines to view the eligible expenses, maximum allocation, and specific policies per event category.
To be considered an interprofessional event, the coordinators and attendees of the event must be from three or more schools/graduate division. Attendee affiliation will be verified through the event attendance sheet.