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Student Organizations
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Food Access
Learn how to access healthy food at UCSF.
Learn about your rights and responsibilities as a UCSF student.

Student Life is a campus-wide student service providing inclusive and innovative programs and resources to holistically support UCSF students. We are invested in reciprocal partnerships to enhance the student experience and their success through four pillars: community, advocacy, access and inclusion, and data informed decision making.

Learn more about services Student Life provides, how to get involved in student activity, and find a community of support.



Basic Needs
for Students

Basic Needs connects students to critical on- and off-campus resources and provides educational opportunities for students to take personal responsibility for their wellness.


First Generation Support Services

First Generation Support Services (FGSS) serves the students whose parents/caregivers did not graduate from a four-year college.

Guardian Scholars Program

Guardian Scholars Program (GSP) serves students who have had prior involvement in foster care and provides individual case management, community events, and variety of resources that support the holistic success of graduate and professional students who identify as former foster youth. 

Learning Resource

Learning Resouce Services can help improve your overall approach to academic success through strategies that will enhance your study skills, test performance, and mastery of material.

StudenT Disability

Student Disability Services serves, supports, and empowers UCSF students with disabilities by ensuring equitable access to fully and holistically participate in all areas of the university experience.


Student Life serves to support and enhance the activities undertaken by student organizations at UCSF, facilitate the goals of the student governments, foster the development of student leadership skills and contribute to the growth of a diverse and welcoming community where students feel they belong.

Student Rights and responsibilities

Student Rights and Responsibilities receives reports and manages the adjudication of potential violations of the Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline.  

Student veteran and military Support Services

Student Veteran and Military Support Services provides our veterans and military-affiliated students at UCSF with a supportive community, mentorship opportunities, guidance on educational benefits, and tools to succeed both academically and personally.

StudenT Voices

Synapse plays a vital role of strengthening the widely-dispersed campus community by providing news about UCSF, and in
particular, student life, that cannot be found anywhere else. Students who write for the newspaper also benefit—by learning a variety of skills that will assist them later in their health science careers.



Student Organization Awards

Date: April 16, 2025
Time: noon-1 p.m.