
The University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students (commonly referred to as PACAOS) is a compendium of University-wide policies relating to student life. PACAOS addresses the rights and responsibilities of members of the University community, including students, as well as other individuals when they are on University property. PACAOS also provides University-wide standards for the implementation of regulations as a means of sustaining and safeguarding the UCSF community.

PACAOS and UCSF’s implementing regulations are designed to protect and promote the rights of members of the University, prevent interference with University functions or activities, and assure compliance with all pertinent laws and other applicable University policies. All UCSF students, Registered Campus Organizations, and student governments, should be familiar with University policies and UCSF’s implementing regulations. For a complete list of University-related policies, please visit the Campus Administrative Policies website.


UCSF’s Implementing Regulations

Student-Related Policies and Procedures